Like drinking a glass of (clean) water.


Water is a unique, peculiar liquid. Its properties are special. Actually it has more than 30 anomalies! Ice floats on water, water has very high boiling and melting points, a large heat capacity and a huge surface tension. This is why we sweat to cool down after an intense physical exercise. This is why glaciers slide down on the mountain sides. This is why the climate of deserts is so harsh while it is milder in humid regions. And this is why tall trees lift up water from their roots to the crown.

We’re still investigating why all this happens, probably it is related to the structure of water.

Don’t forget we’re made up of about 60% water. And an elegantly swimming jellyfish can be 95% water (1).

Water is also the most discussed topic in science and in philosophy.

Water, one of the smallest and simplest molecules – H2O – is really an intriguing, challenging and precious mistery (2).

We need water to do everything. Think about….




  1. Henry, The state of water in living systems: from the liquid to the jellyfish, Aqua Incognita: why ice floats on water and Galileo 400 years on, Ed. P. Lo Nostro and B. W. Ninham, ISBN: 9781925138214 (Connor Court, Ballarat, 2014) pp 34-102.
  2. Deguchi, K. Kinoshita, T. Kubota, Aqua extrema and vita incognita deep below the waves, Aqua Incognita: why ice floats on water and Galileo 400 years on, Ed. P. Lo Nostro and B. W. Ninham, ISBN: 9781925138214 (Connor Court, Ballarat, 2014) pp 240-255.

Remembering Prof. Johannes Lyklema

Johannes Lyklema, Emeritus Professor of Physical Chemistry and Soft Matter at the University of Wageningen, passed away a few days ago.

We will miss a great man and an outstanding scientist. He pioneered Colloid and Interface Science.


Johannes Lyklema

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